2016-10-16 1.08 galisha. Added validation rules for dbf header in case handling of non-dbf files. 2016-07-11 1.07 galisha. Issued executable command line jar file. It's allows to parse dbf file from OOTB. Fixed error with reading unexpected zero in header of DBF and some code pages. *** Sample of usage *** java -jar dbfEngine_bin-1.07.jar your.dbf 2015-03-01 1.06 galisha. Added validation method for dbf header. It's allow to check does this file is DBF file or not. Added method of existing a set of fields in dbf header. 2014-01-20 1.05 galisha. Added into DbfEngine functionality to get dbf header. Added reader for .mem file (new separate package ru.smartflex.tools.dbf.mem) 2013-08-26 1.04 alexei.alexandrov@gmail.com. Fix bug by reading DBF from zip-archive. (For case when stream is returning less data instead required). 2013-07-25 1.03 galisha. Enhanced exception messages (add current record info). Fix bug with empty value for numerical data. Suppress spaces for empty string. Found Eugene. 2013-05-25 1.02 galisha. Fix bug with reading 1 char in the field. Found Eugene. 2013-01-04 1.01 galisha. Added some code pages 2012-12-08 1.00 galisha. Initial version. Handles MS Foxpro 2.6 dbf file without memo support